Averrhoa carambola
- Overview
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- Biology
- Taxonomy
- Occurrence
- Specimen
Trunk rcan reach 15 cm diameter at the base; bark is light brown, smooth or finely fissured.Leaves are alternate, pinnate, 15-25 cm long, shortly petiolate with 7-9 pendant leaflets. The leaves havethe peculiarity of being sensitive to touch in the same way as certain Mimosa species. Inflorescence is a 2-5 cm long panicle in the axils of old leaves. Flowers are pentamerous, with a calyx of 5 pink sepals surrounding the purple corolla. Fruit is a large, indehiscent berry, 5-8 cm long, with a characteristic shape in cross-section resembling a 5-pointed star, yellowish green, becoming orange-yellow when ripe. Each section of the fruit contains 5 arillate seeds.
The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.
- Total squares
- Vascular plants