Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility
The Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (FinBIF) is an open access data repository for researchers, government and the public. FinBIF consolidates many collections and datasets of living Finland in a single source. Our online portal, laji.fi, allows you to browse, search and download information about all forms of biological life, and to record and share your own observations. FinBIF is committed to the sharing and promotion of open access data.
Help identify observations
Your expertise is needed! These are the most recent images for which the subject has not been identified. You can help us to identify them!
Help identify observations
iNaturalist Finland is part of the international iNaturalist network. Observations recorded with iNaturalist are added to FinBIF so that they are available for Finnish researchers, government and the public. Anyone can participate. All you need to do is make some observations!
Record observations with iNaturalist
Pinkka on lajintunnistusta tukeva verkko-oppimisympäristö. Pinkasta löydät eri tarpeisiin kootut virtuaaliset näytepinkat lajintuntemuksen opiskeluun – opiskeliljalle, luontoharrastajalle ja koululaiselle.
Tutustu Pinkkaan