Gliricidia sepium


The trunk is twisted or grows at an angle, reaching 30 cm in diameter. Bark is smooth, whitish grey to deep red-brown. The stem and branches are commonly flecked with small white lenticels. Leaves are odd pinnate, usually alternate, subopposite or opposite, up to 30 cm long. Leaflets (5-20) are ovate or elliptic, 2-7 x 1-3 cm, with acute apices. Inflorescences are clustered 5-15 cm long racemes on distal parts on new and old wood, with 20-40 flowers per raceme. Flowers are pink to pale lilac, tinged with white, usually with a diffuse pale yellow spot at the base of the standard petal. Calyx is cup-shaped, glabrous, green, often tinged red. Standard petal is round, ca. 20 m long, keel petals 15-20 x 4-7 mm. Fruit is green and sometimes tinged reddish-purple when unripe, light yellow-brown when mature, 10-18 x 2 cm, valves twisting in dehiscence. Seeds are 4-10, yellow-brown, flat, nearly round.                                                                                                                      

Source: Pinkka e-learning: Tropical Plants of Economic Importance (AGRI-247) - Angiosperms: dicots CC BY 4.0

Growing form

A small to medium-sized (10-15 m) thornless tree with basal branching and spreading crown.

Source: Pinkka e-learning: Tropical Plants of Economic Importance (AGRI-247) - Angiosperms: dicots CC BY 4.0

The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.

  • Total squares
FinBIF master checklist
Scientific name
Gliricidia sepium
(Jacq.) Walp.
Vernacular names
  • rusotuonenpuu (Finnish)
Taxon rank
DNA barcode sequences
Gliricidia sepium
24 public records
Informal groups
  • Vascular plants