Heracleum persicum -ryhmä


Plants of the genus Heracleum are umbelliferous (Apiaceae) and very large. They can grow tall, the height can be more than three meters and in a lush place even up to five meters. In Finland, the most common species is the giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), and in addition, Persian hogweeds (Heracleum persicum) have been found here. There are also some observations of the Sosnowsky's hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi), but the findings have not been verified.

Alien Heracleum-group plants have been imported as garden plants and especially they are found in built-up areas as well as along roads and wastelands and courtyards in sparsely populated areas, but also in nature, e.g. in beach groves.

Giant hogweed and Sosnowsky's hogweed are biennial or they die after flowering, and they can reproduce only from seeds. Persian hogweed is perennial and it can flower several times, but it is able to reproduce not earlier than the third year. In addition to seeds, it can reproduce also vegetatively. Hogweeds spread to new habitats with garden waste or soil contaminated with seeds. Seeds generally germinate well and remain incubated in the soil for several years, and therefore new populations may come up as a surprise.

Source: FinBIF species descriptions
Description text authors:

SYKE, päivitykset MMM 2019, Luke 2020

CC BY 4.0

The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.

  • Total squares
FinBIF master checklist
Scientific name
Heracleum persicum -ryhmä
Vernacular names
  • jättiputkiryhmä (Finnish)
  • jättelokor (Swedish)
Colloquial name
  • jättiputki (Finnish)
Taxon rank
Occurrence in Finland
Collected from Finland
This species is invasive
Regulatory Status
  • Government Decree on Invasive Alien Species of National Concern (1725/2015) ?
  • Invasive alien species of Union concern (EU 2016/1141; 2017/1263; 2019/1262; 2022/1203) ?
  • Finland’s National Strategy on Invasive Alien Species (GR 2012) ?
  • Mikko Piirainen
DNA barcode sequences
Informal groups
  • Vascular plants