Agrostis canina
- Overview
- Images
- Identify
- Biology
- Taxonomy
- Occurrence
- Specimen
Growing form
Perennial, narrow-leaved, cespitose grass.
15–60 cm high.
The culm is erect – ascending, occasionally branched. The plant is stoloniferous. The stolons and shoots are extravaginal i.e. they emerge through a sheath-like bract.
The lamina of the basal leaves is 0.2–0.5 mm wide, terete to canaliculate. The lamina of the culm leaves and the stolon leaves is 1–3 mm wide, compressed to canaliculate. The ligule of the second most distal culm leaf is 1.3–4 mm long.
The panicle is 3–11 cm long and narrowly ovoid. The single-floreted spikelets are 1.6–2.5 mm long. The lemma is 1.5–1.8 mm long, typically aristate. The awn begins at the basal half of the lemma and it is one to two times as long as the lemma and geniculate, rarely straight. The palea is absent or minute. The anthers are 1.0–1.5 mm long and purple.
Fruit and seed
The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.
- Total squares
- luhtarölli (Finnish)
- brunven (Swedish)
- AOV - spontaneous, old, resident
Vascular plants – SUMI Project 2022 ?
- 2019 LC – Least Concern
- 2010 LC – Least Concern
- Pertti Uotila
- Henry Väre
- Vascular plants