Coffea arabica
- Overview
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- Biology
- Taxonomy
- Occurrence
- Specimen
The leaves are opposite, simple, glossy, dark green, short-petioled. Lamina is elliptic, acuminate-tipped, usually about 10-15 x 6 cm, margin sometimes undulate. Stipules are small, interpetiolar, deltoid with acuminate tip. Flowers are inaxillary clusters, 2-20 per axil, white, fragrant, 1-1.5 cm in diameter. Corolla is tubular, 1 cm long, 5-lobed, lobes spreading about length of tube. Calyx is small, cup-shaped. Stamens are usually 5, filaments short, inserted on corolla tube between lobes. Style is long, stigma bifid, protruding. Ovary is inferior. Fruit is a drupe, ca. 1.5 cm long, oval-elliptic, green when immature, turning from yellow to red when ripening, with soft yellowish pulp (mesocarp) and fibrous endocarp surrounding the two seeds. Seeds are 8.5-12.5 mm long, ellipsoidal and pressed together by flattened surface which is deeply grooved.
The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.
- Total squares
- arabiankahvi (Finnish)
- Jouko Rikkinen
- Vascular plants