Nymphaea candida

Growing form

Perennial aquatic herb with both floating and submerged leaves.


The lamina of floating leaves is wide (10–30 cm). The petioles of floating leaves are long and the length can occasionally exceed 2 m.


The rhizome is robust and vertical or oblique, and grows at the bottom of a body of water.


The leaves are petiolate and stipulate. The petioles are filled with hollow air chambers. The lamina is wide and entire. The submerged leaves are short-petiolate and the lamina is smooth, thin and oblong. The floating leaves are long-petiolate. The petiole is thick and terete. The lamina of floating leaves is rather round with reticulate venation, waxy lustrous and dark green above, and often reddish purple beneath.


The flower is actinomorphic, large, 5–15 cm wide, bowl-shaped or half-spherical. The pedicel ends abrubtly where the receptacle begins. The bud is acute. The calyx is four-leaved. The corolla consists of numerous up-curved ovate petals. The petals are white or occasionally reddish or red. The androecium and gynoecium are many-leaved. The ovary of the connate gynoecium is multi-locular and semi-inferior.

Fruit and seed

The fruit is a fleshy capsule. The receptacle coils after flowering, and the fruit matures underwater. A seed is 4-6 mm long.

Source: Pinkka e-learning: Botanical excursion to Lammi - Vahtervehmas - Lake Valkea Kotinen, old-growth forest in Evo CC BY 4.0

The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.

  • Total squares
FinBIF master checklist
Scientific name
Nymphaea candida
J. Presl & C. Presl
Vernacular names
  • pohjanlumme (Finnish)
  • nordnäckros (Swedish)
Taxon rank
Occurrence in Finland
Collected from Finland
Status in Finland
  • 1 - spreading in the wild; to a small degree of cultivated origin
  • AOV - spontaneous, old, resident
Regulatory Status
  • Vascular plants – SUMI Project 2022 ?
Finnish Regional Red List Category
  • 2019 LC – Least Concern
  • 2010 LC – Least Concern
  • Pertti Uotila
DNA barcode sequences
Nymphaea candida
3 public records
Informal groups
  • Vascular plants
  • Plant life forms
  • Aquatic plants