Collection Name

Porvoo Museum / Butterfly Collection by Carl-Johan Widén (en)

Porvoon museo / Carl-Johan Widénin perhoskokoelma (fi)

Borgå museum / Carl-Johan Widéns fjärilssamling (sv)

Type of the collection


Collection description

Butterflies collected in Finland (mostly Pellinki, Porvoo) in years 1920-2022 (en)

Perhoskokoelma Suomesta (eniten Porvoon Pellingistä) kerätty vuosina 1920-2022 (fi)

Fjärilssamling insamlad i Finland (främst Pellinge i Borgå) under åren 1920-2022 (sv)

Taxonomic coverage


Temporal coverage


Geographic coverage


Collection quality

Expert hobbyists / expert curated

Data quality description

Good (en)

Hyvä (fi)


Creative Commons Attribution

Copyright owner

Porvoo Museum

Contact email

Collection size (approx.)


Percentage digitized (approx.)


Number of type specimen (c.)


Number of specimens

Number of type specimens

Number of all observations

Status of this metadata

satisfactory – could be improved

Date created

13.07.2021 05:51

Date edited

22.01.2023 05:05

Sensitive observation data have undergone obfuscation including spatial aggregation so that precise locations and other sensitive information is not publicly available. The precise location, place names, dates, names of observers and other information may have been obscured or removed. Read more about sensitive observations.

Data may have a research embargo (usually 2–4 years), during which data may have been hidden or obscured as described above. Data producer-owners may have chosen to permanently obfuscate all or part of their data.

To gain access to non-obscured data, you may make a data request. Non-obscured data is also available to Finnish authorities