Collection Name

Syke - Butterflies in Finnish agricultural landscapes (en)

Syke - Maatalousympäristön päiväperhosseuranta (fi)

Syke - Fjärilarna vid lantbruks miljön (sv)

Type of the collection

Monitoring scheme observations

Collection description

Butterflies are monitored using transect walking method. (en)

Päiväperhosia seurataan linjalaskentamenetelmän avulla. Linjalaskennassa havainnoija kävelee vakiona pysyvän reitin toistuvasti, säännöllisin väliajoin kesän alusta loppuun asti. Kullakin kävelykerralla kirjataan lajeittain muistiin kaikki havaitut perhosyksilöt edessä olevalta 5x5x5 metrin alueelta. Reitti pidetään samana myös vuodesta toiseen. (fi)

Web address (en) (fi)

Taxonomic coverage

Papilionoidea, Others

Temporal coverage


Geographic coverage


Coverage basis

Butterflies in agricultural landscapes

Collection methods

Butterflies are recorded from a 5x5 meter area ahead of the observer. The butterfly count is conducted repeatedly during the summer along the same walking route, which is also kept constant from year to year. In Finland the suggested mininum number of annual counts has been seven, conducted once a fortnight from late May to late August. Weekly counts are recommended, and usually done on ca. half of the transects. However, due to our northern location the butterfly season is typically no longer than ca. 16 weeks, and in the northernmost transects less than ten weeks.

Collection quality

Professional / professionally curated


Creative Commons Attribution

Copyright owner

Finnish Environment Institute SYKE

Contact email

Number of specimens

Number of type specimens

Number of all observations

Status of this metadata

satisfactory – could be improved

Date created

22.01.2020 10:25

Date edited

12.10.2021 12:38

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