4th Finnish Bird Atlas 2022–2025, observations from FinBIF Notebook http://tun.fi/HR.4471
Collection Name
4th Finnish Bird Atlas 2022–2025, observations from FinBIF Notebook (en)
Suomen 4. lintuatlas 2022–2025, havainnot Vihko-havaintopalvelusta (fi)
Finlands 4. fågelatlas 2022–2025, observationer från Skrivbok (sv)
Collection description
4th Finnish Bird Atlas, observations from FinBIF Notebook (en)
Lintuatlaksessa selvitetään lintulajien pesimäaikainen levinneisyys ja pesimäalueet 10 x 10 kilometrin atlasruuduissa Suomessa sekä tutkitaan lajien levinneisyyksien muutoksia. Suomessa on toteutettu aiemmin kolme lintuatlasta (ensimmäinen 1974–79, toinen 1986–89 ja kolmas 2006–2010). Tämä aineisto sisältää Vihko-havaintopalvelun lintuatlaslomakkeen havainnot. Aineiston ovat keränneet vapaaehtoiset harrastajat. Lintuatlas koostuu useista aineistoista ja tämän aineiston osuus on noin 30%. Tämä aineisto sisältää myös lintuatlaslomakkeella tallennetut havainnot muista lajiryhmistä kuin linnuista. Tähän aineistoon tallennetut havainnot ovat saatavilla välittömästi Laji.fi-portaalissa. (fi)
4th Finnish Bird Atlas, observations from FinBIF Notebook (sv)
Web address
https://lintuatlas.fi/ (en)
https://lintuatlas.fi/ (fi)
https://lintuatlas.fi/ (sv)
Taxonomic coverage
AvesTemporal coverage
2022–2025Geographic coverage
FinlandCoverage basis
Project focuses on Finnish breeding birds from 2022–2025, but observations can be of any taxon, date or location.Collection methods
Typically, volunteer observers record the birds they see and/or hear with a breeding index that specifies the degree of evidence of breeding (https://schema.laji.fi/alt/MY.atlasCodeEnum). The observers may also report whether they conducted a comprehensive survey of birds for a specific time and place (complete list) rather than simply incidental records. Methods are described in more detail in Valkama, Jari, Vepsäläinen, Ville & Lehikoinen, Aleksi 2011: Suomen III Lintuatlas. – Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo ja ympäristöministeriö. (cited 2023-04-26) ISBN 978-952-10- 6918-5.Collection quality
Data quality description
The data has been collected by registered non-professionals who are typically experienced birdwatchers. Non-systematic data curation is done by atlas coordinators. (en)
The data has been collected by registered non-professionals who are typically experienced birdwatchers. Non-systematic data curation is done by atlas coordinators. (fi)
The data has been collected by registered non-professionals who are typically experienced birdwatchers. Non-systematic data curation is done by atlas coordinators. (sv)
Copyright owner
Finnish Museum of Natural History LuomusContact email
jari.valkama@helsinki.fiNumber of specimens
Number of type specimens
Number of all observations
Date created
20.01.2022 09:33Date edited
05.08.2024 11:18Sensitive observation data have undergone obfuscation including spatial aggregation so that precise locations and other sensitive information is not publicly available. The precise location, place names, dates, names of observers and other information may have been obscured or removed. Read more about sensitive observations.
Data may have a research embargo (usually 2–4 years), during which data may have been hidden or obscured as described above. Data producer-owners may have chosen to permanently obfuscate all or part of their data.
To gain access to non-obscured data, you may make a data request. Non-obscured data is also available to Finnish authorities