Lysimachia nummularia


Round-leaved, repent ground cover plant.

Distribution in Finland

An ornamental plant. An escape of cultivation by ditches, shores, moist meadows, lawns, herb-rich forests, slopes of rocky outcrops, ruderal waste grounds.

Origin and general distribution

From Central and Southern Europe to Caucasus. The native range extends to Karelian Isthmus.

Growing form

Perennial herb.


5 cm high, shoots that root at the nodes grow fast in length.


The stem is procumbent, creeping and glabrate.


The leaves are opposite and short-petiolate. The lamina is oval or nearly orbicular, rounded or cordate and dark-punctate.


The axillary flowers are solitary or paired. The corolla is 20–30 mm wide and yellow. The lobes are dark-punctate and short-pubescent.

Fruit and seed

The fruit is a capsule that is shorter than the calyx. Fruits rarely develop in Finland.

Flowering time

Flowers in July–September.


Sunny – shade.


5–10 cm deep, but 20 cm deep in sun, mesic, mesotrophic.

Additional information

Propagation by division. Fast-spreading ground cover plant. Flowers more abundantly in sun, but the foliage becomes more lush and dense.

Source: Pinkka e-learning: Excursion to Åland - Nåtö biological research station, yard and garden of the station CC BY 4.0