Waterfrogs Pelophylax

Finnish taxon
Publication of occurrence
  • Terhivuo, J. 1993: Provisional atlas and status of populations for the herpetofauna of Finland in 1980-92. -- Annales Zoologici Fennici 30:55-69.
  • Terhivuo, Juhani 1981: Provisional atlas and population status of the Finnish amphibian and reptile species with reference to their ranges in northern Europe. -- Annales Zoologici Fennici 18: 139-164.
  • Terhivuo, Juhani & Koli, Lauri 1977: Suomen sammakkoeläinten ja matelijoiden levinneisyyden kartoitus. -- Luonnon Tutkija 81: 139-148.

The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.

  • Total squares

The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.

  • Occurs on the basis of occurrence data – not an expert evaluation

Origin and general distribution

Inherently, species of water frogs are found almost everywhere in Central and Southern Europe, Asia, North America and the northern parts of Africa. The native populations closest to Finland are in Estonia and southern Sweden.

Water frogs are not native species in Finland. However, the edible and pool frogs can be found in Southwest Finland. There are also sightings of the lake frog from the first half of the last century in Helsinki and Porvoo, but the sightings in the 21st century can not have been able indisputably confirmed.

Source: FinBIF species descriptions
Description text authors:

Translation: Luke 2023.

CC BY 4.0

The following biotope data have been recorded for observations of this taxa