Skrattgroda Pelophylax ridibundus

Finnish taxon
Förekomst i Finland
Observerat i Finland
Typ av förekomst i Finland
  • Mänsklig påverkan
  • Regelbunden vandrare
Publikationer av förekomsten
  • Terhivuo, J. 1993: Provisional atlas and status of populations for the herpetofauna of Finland in 1980-92. -- Annales Zoologici Fennici 30:55-69.
  • Terhivuo, Juhani 1981: Provisional atlas and population status of the Finnish amphibian and reptile species with reference to their ranges in northern Europe. -- Annales Zoologici Fennici 18: 139-164.
  • Terhivuo, Juhani & Koli, Lauri 1977: Suomen sammakkoeläinten ja matelijoiden levinneisyyden kartoitus. -- Luonnon Tutkija 81: 139-148.

Kartan visar observationer av denna taxonen, men den får inte användas som en utbredningskarta.

  • Totalt rutnät

Kartan visar observationer av denna taxonen, men den får inte användas som en utbredningskarta.

  • Förekommer på grundval av händelsedata – inte en expertbestämning

Ursprung och helhetsutbredning

Naturally, lake frogs are found in eastern parts of Central and Southern Europe, and eastwards as far as in China.

In Finland, the first sighting of a lake frog dates back to 1937, when it was heard croaking in the bay of Vanhakaupunki in Helsinki. The next summer, lake frogs were also found in Saunalahti, and in the summer of 1939, about 125 individuals were shot from the bay. In the 1940s, they were also observed in Porvoo.

The wild lake frogs closest to Finland live in Estonia. Apparently they arrived in Helsinki by human. However, the lake frog disappeared from Finland by the 1960s. There has been new sightings of the species in the 2000s, but none of them has been verified to be correct.

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Translation: Luke 2023.

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