Cetrariella fastigiata
- Overview
- Identify
- Taxonomy
- Occurrence
- Specimen
- Status
Cetrariella fastigiata
Accepted name, MR.1
- Stenroos, S., Velmala, S., Pykälä J. & Ahti, T. (eds.) 2016: Lichens of Finland. Norrlinia 30. 896 p.
- Divakar, P.K., Crespo, A., Kraichak, E., Leavitt, S.D., Singh, G., Schmitt, I. & Lumbsch, H.T. 2017. Using a temporal phylogenetic method to harmonize family- and genus-level classification in the largest clade of lichen-forming fungi. Fungal Diversity 84: 101–117.
Other names
Recommended common name
- aapahirvenjäkälä (fi)
- sumplav (sv)
Basionym / Original combination
Taxon concept
DNA barcode sequences
Saara Velmala
Leena Myllys
Teuvo Ahti