Polygala amarella

Growing form

Perennial herb.


5–15 cm high.


The plant is multiple-stemmed. The stems are ascending, simple or few-branched, angular, non-lignified and pubescent.


The leaves are elliptic – elongate, simple and pubescent. At flowering time, there is a conspicuous leaf rosette remaining at the base of the shoot.


The inflorescence is short, dense terminal raceme with 10–25 flowers. The prophylls are caducous. The flowers are bisexual, and often blue, rarely rose red or white. The calyx is five-leaved. Two of the innermost sepals are large, petaloid and obscurely veined. The outermost sepals are small and blue-green. The corolla is tubular and three-lobed. The upper lobes are rounded at the apex. The lowest lobe is keeled and lobed at the apex. There are eight stamens in two clusters in a flower.

Fruit and seed

The fruit is a cordate, compressed, broadly alate capsule.

Source: Pinkka e-learning: Excursion to Åland - Nature trail, Nåtö. CC BY 4.0

The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.

  • Total squares
FinBIF master checklist
Scientific name
Polygala amarella
Vernacular names
  • katkeralinnunruoho (Finnish)
  • rosettjungfrulin (Swedish)
Taxon rank
Occurrence in Finland
Collected from Finland
Status in Finland
  • AOV - spontaneous, old, resident
Regulatory Status
  • Threatened species (NCD 2023/1066, Appendix 6) ?
  • Species to be protected urgently (Finnish Environment Institute 2020) ?
  • Vascular plants – SUMI Project 2022 ?
  • Safeguarding Endangered Species in Forestry – Lajiturva Project 2019–2021 ?
  • Species used in the automatic procedure for forest use notifications (MKI-OHKE 2023) ?
  • OUTDATED Threatened species (NCD 1997/160, Appendix 4 2013/471) ?
Finnish Regional Red List Category
  • 2019 VU – Vulnerable
  • 2010 VU – Vulnerable
  • 2000 VU – Vulnerable
  • Mikko Piirainen
DNA barcode sequences
Polygala amarella
8 public records
Informal groups
  • Vascular plants