Crataegus rhipidophylla

Growing form

Spiny shrub or small tree.


2–6 m high.


The branches are gray-brown and glabrous. The spines are 8–20 mm long.


The lamina is 3–5 cm long, with 3–5 lobes, glabrous and pure green on both sides. The lobes are acute and densely serrate until the base. The veins reach the apices and teeth of the lobes and sinuses between the lobes. The stipules are serrulate.


The inflorescence is a panicle. The branches of the panicle are glabrous. The corolla is white and 10–15 mm long with five petals. There are 18–20 stamens with reddish anthers and a gynoecium with one stigma in a flower. The ovary is inferior. The sepals are narrowly ovate, acute, and erect or retrorse – spreading.

Source: Pinkka e-learning: Excursion to Åland - Nåtö biological research station, yard and garden of the station CC BY 4.0

The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.

  • Total squares
FinBIF master checklist
Scientific name
Crataegus rhipidophylla
Vernacular names
  • suippuorapihlaja (Finnish)
  • flikhagtorn (Swedish)
Taxon rank
Occurrence in Finland
Collected from Finland
Status in Finland
  • 1 - spreading in the wild; to a small degree of cultivated origin
  • AOV - spontaneous, old, resident
Regulatory Status
  • Threatened species (NCD 2023/1066, Appendix 6) ?
  • OUTDATED Safeguarding Endangered Species in Forestry – Project 2007-2010 ?
  • Connectivity of forest conservation areas – SUMI Project 2020 ?
  • Vascular plants – SUMI Project 2022 ?
  • Safeguarding Endangered Species in Forestry – Lajiturva Project 2019–2021 ?
  • Species used in the automatic procedure for forest use notifications (MKI-OHKE 2023) ?
  • OUTDATED Threatened species (NCD 1997/160, Appendix 4 2013/471) ?
Finnish Regional Red List Category
  • 2019 EN – Endangered
  • 2010 VU – Vulnerable
  • 2000 VU – Vulnerable
  • Arto Kurtto
DNA barcode sequences
Crataegus rhipidophylla
18 public records
Crataegus curvisepala
3 public records
Informal groups
  • Vascular plants
  • Berry plants