Geospatial services

Occurrence data

Occurrence data can now be downloaded in OGC GeoPackage and ESRI Shapefile formats. Read more (in Finnish): Havaintoaineistojen lataus paikkatietona

FinBIF API offers occurrence data in GeoJSON format. Read more: Using occurrence API in GIS systems: GeoJSON format


Laji-Map is a javascript library build on top of Leaflet map library and provides map services used by, Vihko Notebook, etc. It is entirely separated from rest of FinBIF services and can be used as it is to implement map services to web applications. Code repository and documentation can be found here:

Laji-Map has several thematic map layers that can be viewed side by side with the occurrence data. Read more (in Finnish): Lajitietokeskuksen karttapalvelun karttatasot

Map service

FinBIF map service is a webpage that utilizes Laji-Map library to provide a way for the users to

  • draw, import and export geometries
  • convert coordinates
  • browse different map layers
  • measure lengths and areas

Location information by coordinates /coordinates endpoint provides a service that provides information about a location (geometry; polygon, point, line..).

The service only works for areas inside Finland (Laji-Map has build-in features to use Google Geolocate API).

The service provides the following data:

Municipality and region are based on data of National Land Survey of Finland (MML). We keep the data up to date in case of changes in municipality borders etc.

Borders of biogeographical provinces are maintained by FinBIF.