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Med sökkriterierna hittades 15 arter
Rekommenderat allmänspråkligt namn
Vetenskapligt namn
Typ av förekomst i Finland
Administrativ status
lapinsiemenkotilo (fi)
Stable population
OUTDATED Threatened species (NCD 1997/160, Appendix 4 2013/471)
tunturisiemenkotilo (fi)
Stable population
Safeguarding Endangered Species in Forestry – Lajiturva Project 2019–2021; OUTDATED Threatened species (NCD 1997/160, Appendix 4 2013/471)
otandad grynsnäcka
Stable population
Threatened species (NCD 2023/1066, Appendix 6); Species under strict protection (NCD 2023/1066, Appendix 6); Animal species that are protected in the whole country(NCD 2023/1066, Appendix 1); EU Habitats Directive Annex II; EU Habitats Directive Annex II, Finland's Natura species; Safeguarding Endangered Species in Forestry – Lajiturva Project 2019–2021; Species used in the automatic procedure for forest use notifications (MKI-OHKE 2023); OUTDATED Threatened species (NCD 1997/160, Appendix 4 2013/471); OUTDATED Species under strict protection (NCD 1997/160, Appendix 4 2013/471)
lettosiemenkotilo (fi)
Stable population
Animal species that are protected in the whole country(NCD 2023/1066, Appendix 1); EU Habitats Directive Annex II; EU Habitats Directive Annex II, Finland's Natura species; Aapamire species – SUMI Project 2020; Safeguarding Endangered Species in Forestry – Lajiturva Project 2019–2021; Species used in the automatic procedure for forest use notifications (MKI-OHKE 2023)
Vertigo genesii geyeri
pohjansiemenkotilo (fi)
Stable population
Vertigo arctica (Wallenberg, 1858) Vertigo modesta arctica (Wallenberg, 1858)
pikkusiemenkotilo (fi)
Stable population
Safeguarding Endangered Species in Forestry – Lajiturva Project 2019–2021
Pupa pygmaea
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