
AotidaeElliot, 1913

Accepterad namn, MR.284

Groves (1989) first suggested that this is a full family and used the name Aotidae Poche, 1908; Groves (2001c) pointed out that Nyctipithecidae Gray, 1870 has precedence, but overlooked the fact that Simpson (1945) had already replaced Nyctipithecinae by Aotinae (Brandon-Jones and Groves, 2002). Goodman et al. (1998) placed it as a third subfamily of Cebidae (with Cebinae and Callitrichinae), and McKenna and Bell (1997) placed Aotus, Cebus and Saimiri as three equal genera in their tribe Cebini (of subfamily Cebinae which also included Callicebini).

  • Wilson, D and Reeder, D. (eds.) 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3rd ed. -- 2142 pp. Johns Hopkins University Press.