Change log

23.9.2024 (beta v0)

We've been working on rewriting the whole for more than a year now. It's still work in progress, but it was partially released to production today. It works so that it redirects requests to endpoints it doesn't cover yet to the old API.

Staging ( has been using the new API for a longer time already.

There are some breaking changes, which are documented here:

Unfortunately the current OpenAPI document might be out of date for the endpoints covered by the new API. This is because the new API uses a different OpenAPI specification than the old one, but it doesn't yet cover all the endpoints so we serve the old API's OpenAPI document still.

The following endpoints are covered by the new API so far:

  • API user
  • Area
  • Audio
  • Checklist
  • ChecklistVersions
  • Collections
  • Documents
  • Form
  • Form permissions
  • Image
  • Information
  • Named places
  • Notifications
  • Person
  • Person token
  • Trait
  • Warehouse

Old API still handles these endpoints:

  • Autocomplete
  • Coordiante
  • Feedback
  • GeoConvert
  • InformalTaxonGroup
  • Logger
  • Login
  • Metadata
  • News
  • Publication
  • RedListEvaluationGroup
  • Source
  • Taxon

26.10.2023 (beta v0)

  • Limit on simultanious requests: /warehouse/query endpoints
    • Starting on this day, if an access_token has more than 10 pending requests, further requests will receive response HTTP 429 Too Many Requests
    • This is done to prevent too-eager API users/software from filling up connection limit, blocking others
    • If you notice this causes problems, please contact and we will adjust the limits and logic, or allow your App more quota

31.8.2023 (beta v0)

  • /warehouse endpoints:
    • New aggregate function to /aggregate queries: securedCount - available if onlyCounts=false parameter is provided; tells how many of the occurrences have been coarsed or otherwise restricted.

7.6.2023 (beta v0)

(no breaking changes)

  • /warehouse endpoints:
    • Two new fields:
    • New field: document.siteDead (boolean) - If document is about a monitoring site (currently data only from LajiGIS system), this boolean tells if the monitoring site is still active. Value is closely linked with the exiting document.siteStatus field, but makes using the data in the status (string) field easier
    • New field: gathering.accurateArea (boolean) - It is now possible to report larger area than a point to be an accurate distribution of a population. This is used in coordinate accuracy interpretation: instead of marking a large area inaccurate, accuracy is interpreted to 1m. Currently data only from LajiGIS system.

21.4.2023 (beta v0)

(no breaking changes)

  • /warehouse endpoints:
    • New field unit.primarySpecimen (boolean) - in case document stored to Kotka CMS has multiple specimens one of them can be marked as "primary specimen"
    • New filter sensitive - Filter occurrences to only those that are coarsed because they are about a taxon that has been marked to be coarsed
    • New unit.recordBasis value: MACHINE_OBSERVATION_PHOTO / MY.recordBasisMachineObservationPhoto

28.2.2023 (beta v0)

New features

  • /warehouse endpoints:
    • Bird assocation area:
      • New filter birdAssociationAreaId - previously this filter was based on bird association area manually defined to a named place; now it is resolved from coordinates. Note: All data has not been reprocessed, some occurrences do not cause matches yet.
      • New field: gathering.conversion.birdAssociationArea
    • New filters:
      • timeAccuracy - Filter occurrences to those that have exact date (1 = start and end date are the same), or where there is max N days between start and end date
      • sensitive - Filter occurrences that have been made of taxa defined to be sensitive in FinBIF or not sensitive (taxon.sensitive = true or false) - see
      • taxonRankId - Filter occurrences that have been reported to one or more taxon ranks, ie only subspecies or only genus level
      • onlyNonValidTaxa - Filter occurrences to those that we have been unable to link to taxonomy
      • taxonSetId - Filter occurrences to those where linked taxon belongs to one or more taxon sets. See

19.12.2022 (beta v0)

New features

  • /warehouse endpoints:
    • Two new filters: identificationBasis, samplingMethod - filter occurrences using basis of identification (range: /metadata/ranges/MY.identificationBasisEnum) and method how occurrences were collected (range: /metadata/ranges/MY.samplingMethods)
    • if using cache=true, responses include cacheTimestamp which is epoch of the time the result has been generated (or in other words: how stale the data is)

18.12.2022 (beta v0)

Breaking changes

  • /warehouse/aggregate endpoint: Removed fields from aggregateBy  and orderBy
    • gathering.conversions.eurefWKT
    • gathering.conversions.wgs84WKT
    • gathering.conversions.ykjWKT
  • /warehouse endpoint: Following unit.lifeStage values have been removed: DEAD, ALIVE

New features

  • /warehouse endpoints:
    • Polygon search endpoint is again activated (see 9.3.2022 notes). It has been made faster: it now operates only on center point of the occurrences.
    • unit.lifeStage new value TRIUNGULIN
    • New filter: higherTaxon true|false complements already existing taxonRankId filter. Allows to filter to occurrences linked to higher taxon or lower taxon -> higher are genus and higher, lower includes aggregate, species, and subspecies ranks.
    • New filter: alive true|false. Filter to occurrences explicitly reported dead or alive (mostly contains null values so alive=true only returns those explicitly reported alive)
    • New fields: unit.alive boolean, unit.identification.linkings.taxon.taxonConceptIds Array[String], document.namedPlace.alternativeIds String (; separated)
    • New aggregate function for /unit/aggregate: gatheringCount - is added to the response by providing gatheringCounts=true parameter

15.11.2022 (beta v0)

  • /warehouse endpoint: new fields document.referenceURL, unit.externalMediaCount (no data yet - will have link to original occurrence in iNaturalist for example, and count images in iNaturalist or other systems not shared to
  • /taxon/search response includes kingdomScientificName
  • /taxon endpoint models include a new object bold and boolean hasBold: Bold object contains publicRecords (int), barcodes (int) bins (Array[String]), binCount (int) -- these contain information on how many barcodes and BINs there are in BOLD - Barcode Of Life Data systems (; information is updated weekly

1.9.2022 (beta v0)

New features

  • /warehouse and /taxa endpoints: new property taxon.threatenedStatus (aka "Lajiturva classification") - a three level classification of taxa based on their administrative statuses and red list evaluation status
  • /taxa endpoint - image.licenseId added to taxon images

9.3.2022 (beta v0)

New features

  • /warehouse endpoints: Polygon search
    • It is now possible to filter occurrences using a polygon
    • Polygon search only works for occurrences from Finland (and immediate nearby areas), since the search is based on the Finnish ETRS-TM35 EUREF-FIN coordinate system
    • There are two ways to use polygon search: For simple polygons, ?polygon=POLYGON((390861 6905211,392389 6905459,391563 6907895,389953 6907152,390861 6905211)); The search polygon can ge given in different coordinate reference systems; Format: WKT:CRS; see apidoc for details
    • For polygons that are longer than ~3900 characters, the polygon must be "registered": This is done using /warehouse/polygon endpoint which gives the polygon an id. This id can be used with the filter: ?polygonId=123 -- Registering a polygon however requires a personToken; this is mainly to prevent malicious actions. Registering a polygon can be done using GeoJSON or WKT and in different coordinate reference systems; see apidoc for details
    • Polygon searches are slow, so please use only if really needed.
  • /warehouse endpoints: Named place fields
    • Named place tags are now filterable and namedplace fields can be selected in /list queries and are present in a /document/single full document

1.2.2022 (beta v0)

Breaking changes

  • /document validation is stricter. Fields not listen in the form JSON are not accepted.

1.2.2022 (beta v0)

New features

  • /warehouse endpoints - see the API doc for more details on how to use the new features
    • New filters: elyCentreId, provinceId - filter occurrences using Finnish ELY-centre of Finnish administrative province (lääni). These filters actually is the same as doing a search using a list of multiple municipalities. You can use /area endpoint to find out identifiers of ELY-centres and provinces.
    • /list query: new selectable fields: ...taxon.kingomdScientificName, …taxon.administrativeStatuses
    • New filter: partition - can be used to fetch data in N random batches (to avoid having to page too many pages)
    • API-key/permissionToken feature:
    • New filter taxonAdminFiltersOperator (AND|OR) - when defining both filters administrativeStatusId and redListStatusId, the operator defines if the search between these two sets of taxa is AND or OR
    • New filter: informalGroupIdNot - exclude taxa that belong to informal groups
    • New filter: onlyNonValidTaxa - narrow only to those occurrences without successful taxon linking (unknown names)
    • Endpoint (undocumented) to find out how a certain name links to taxonomy: /warehouse/taxon-linking?name=xxx
    • New filter: hasValue=<field_name>
  • Warehouse GeoJSON/GIS support improved
    • /list and aggregate queries can take format=geojson or Accept-header application/geo+json
    • New parameters crs (WGS84|EUREF|YKJ) and featureType (CENTER_POINT|ENVELOPE|ORIGINAL_FEATURE)
    • (Note that for original feature occurrences having multiple features return envelope instead because many GIS systems do not support FeatureCollections)
    • Read more:
  • Warehouse - Bird atlas related changes
    • New field unit.atlasClass - see
    • New field unit.atlasCode - see
    • New filters: atlasCode, atlasClass
    • New /aggregate response aggregate functions: atlasCodeMax, atlasClassMax - include ?atlasCounts=true to request to activate the functions
  • Warehouse changes to secure logic: Time is coarsed to one year for most secured occurrences (used to be coarsed to a decade). Only "HIGHEST" level occurrences have time coarsed to decade.
  • Warehouse new LajiGIS related data fields
    • New fields: document.dataSource (string), document.siteStatus (string), document.siteType (string), gathering.stateLand (boolean)
    • New filter: onlyNonStateLands (boolean)
    • Data source field contains information on where the data is originally from in free-text format; this field will be expanded to contain information from other systems than LajiGIS as well in the future
    • Site status and site type contain information in free-text format about what kind of occurrence site is in question and if the monitored species still occurs on the site or not; these field may be expanded to cover more datasets than LajiGIS in the future
    • State land field tells if all of the occurrence is inside state owned lands or if some of it are on private and/or other kind of property. We only get this information for LajiGIS data for now. This information (onlyNonStateLands filter) can be used for example to limit a data request to only non-state owned lands
  • /information and /news endpoint response objects may have featureImage and tags in the response
  • New endpoint: /geo-convert -
    • Can be used to convert various types of files (Excel, TSV, FinBIF zip downloads) to gpkg and other GIS formats
    • Outputs either centre points, envelopes (bounding boxes) or the original geometries (footprints)

3.6.2021 (beta v0)

Breaking changes

  • /document endpoint
    • Deleting document or notification returned status code 204 before. Now they're returning 200 with a body where there is a number of effected documents
    • Before some of the endpoints accepted additional properties. This is no longer the case.
    • Some of the error responses have changed. More about the format can be found on this page. Not all of the error messages have been converted so there will be a mixture of old and new.

New features

  • /warehouse endpoint - see swagger in for more details
    • New field for ETRS-TM35FIN centerpoint
    • New field unit.abundanceUnit (INDIVIDUAL_COUNT, PAIRCOUNT, NESTS, ..., FLOWERS, SPOTS, TRUNKS, ... - enum descriptions: - This field is only interpreted from LajiGIS data at the moment. Use can be extended in the future. The field contains information about what is counted in the unit.abundanceString field.
    • New fields unit.identifications and unit.types - these contain array of IdentificationEvent and TypeSpecimen objects
    • New field unit.plantStatusCode can have one value of This field has very little data so far, will have more in the future once Kastikka plant database records have been reprocessed.
    • New filter plantStatusCode - takes in one or more values of MY.plantStatusCodeEnum.

21.4.2021 (beta v0)

New features

Taxon autocomplete: Two new filters includedNameTypes, includedLanguages that can be used to limit names to only finnish vernacular names, for example (includedNameTypes=MX.vernacularName&includedLanguages=fi)

All endpoints: Multilang elements can now return any language codes (previously just fi, en, sv); there is no list of all the possibilities. Mainly the new languages at this point are ru (russian) and (se) sami.

Taxa endpoint has new features that were needed for Regional Threath Assesment result pages. You can check the queries the service makes if interested in these features.

Warehouse endpoint:

  • New filter: collectionAndRecordQuality - can be used to filter occurrences based on combinations of collection quality raiting and individual occurrence quality
  • latestRedListStatus, taxonomicOrder have been added to /list selectable fields
  • USER_HIDDEN secureReason has been split into more detailed reasons: USER_PERSON_NAMES_HIDDEN, USER_HIDDEN_LOCATION, USER_HIDDEN_TIME
  • New field: taxon.sensitive boolean to all places with references to taxon object - tells if the taxon linked to the occurrence(etc) is on the sensitive species list

30.11.2020 (beta v0)

Breaking changes

FinBIF form model was redesigned. The model wasn't documented before, so all the changes won't be listed here, but the most important changes were:

  • features was removed, and the features were merged into options
  • Lot of properties from the root were moved under options

The new model is documented in the schema (

23.4.2020 (beta v0)

New features

Authentication: Prototype for mobile app auth scheme flow has been implemented. See documentation.

14.4.2020 (beta v0)

Breaking changes

FinBIF quality control system has been completely redesigned. There are numerous changes to annotations model and a new endpoint /annotations/tags. From the new endpoint you can list all the tags that can be used within the new annotation model.

For the /warehouse endpoint, there are following breaking changes:

  • The following concepts have been depracated. They no longer contain meaningful values and in the future can no longer be used as /list selected or sortBy values (will cause error if used):
    • document.quality.reliabilityOfCollection (numeric value 1-5) - replaced by document.linkings.collectionQuality (enum: PROFESSIONAL, HOBBYIST, AMATEUR)
    • unit.quality.reliable (boolean) - replaced by unit.interpretations.reliability (enum: RELIABLE, UNDEFINED, UNRELIABLE)
    • unit.quality.taxon.reliability (enum: RELIABLE, LIKELY, NEUTRAL, SUSPICIOUS, UNRELIABLE) - replaced by unit.interpretations.recordQuality (enum: EXPERT_VERIFIED, COMMUNITY_VERIFIED, NEUTRAL, UNCERTAIN, ERRONEUS)
    • unit.quality.taxon.source (was used to tell the source of taxon.reliability: USER_MARKING, QUALITY_CONTROL,..) - not replaced
    • unit.interpretations.unidentifiable (boolean; told if unit had been marked as unable to identify) - replaced by unit.interpretations.needsCheck (boolean) and unit.interpretations.needsIdentification (boolean) and quality tag CHECKED_CANNOT_VERIFY (MMAN.18)
    • annotations.annotationClass - replaced by different types of tags
    • annotations.invasiveControlEffectiveness - replaced by tags
    • annotations.opinion - replaced by annotation.identification object
    • annotations.type - replaced by different types of tags
  • The following filters are no longer supported
    • taxonReliability - replaced by recordQuality filter; taxonReliability falls back to use new reliability filter but this support will be removed in later releases and will cause error
    • reliable - replaced by reliability; this filter does not have any effect and will cause error if used after future releases
    • reliabilityOfCollection - replaced by collectionQuality filter; this filter does not have any effect anymore and will cause error if used after future releases
    • annotationType (used in /annotation endpoint to filter different types of annotations) has entirely new value range - old values have no effect and will cause error in the future if used
  • Erroneus (unreliable) occurrences are no longer shown by default. They can be included using recordQuality filter or by setting issues filter to include occurrence with issues.
  • Occurrences have a wild (WILD, UNKNOWN, NON_WILD) status and a filter. NON_WILD occurrences are not shown by default. They can be included using wild filter. (This is an older change that has been in production for some time, but has been left undocumented).

New features

Audio support: API has /audio endpoint that Vihko forms can use to submit audio files just as /image endpoint can be used to submit observation images. The metadata is the same except for two new fields: wavURL, mp3URL. The /warehouse endpoint has been expanded with audio/media related fields and filters.

Authentication also has two new auth sources: Omariista and iNaturalist. (This has no effect to applications using FinBIF auth service).

Taxonomy: Taxa and autocomplete can be filtered using "taxonSets". These are even more informal taxon groups than "informalGroups"; for example "the species used in waterbird count observation scheme", etc.

Taxa information now contains observationCount, observationCountFinland and observationCountInvasiveFinland. These give a (slowly updating) number of occurrences that we have in FinBIF for taxa (including higher level taxa). It can be used for example to sort species to show most common taxa first.

Taxon names include sami and russian names, but there is no content yet.

Warehouse season and timeOfYear filters have been fixed to work when searching with a range that crosses the year change, for example days 300-50.

We have better query logging which allows us to email our active API users conserning future API changes.

API swagger (OpenAPI spesification) has been improved to include response models for /warehouse endpoint queries.

The /graphql endpoint mentioned in 15.1.2020 update goes to production. It can be used to combine lots of queries into a single query, for example fetching data about several taxa from both /taxa and /warehouse endpoints with a single HTTP request. Graphql allows you to name fields in the response just as you like and to return only the fields that you actually require.


Our services have undergone a security evaluation and several fixes have been made as a result.

15.1.2020 (beta v0)


Emails from api and apitest now have better information about their source.

New features


First versio of GraphQL endpoint was released. It's still in early development so changes can occur. There is a playground available at

8.1.2020 (beta v0)


/Warehouse endpoint names have been changed. Old ones will continue to function at least until we are at v1.

  • /query/list -> /query/unit/list
  • /query/aggregate -> /query/unit/aggregate
  • /query/count -> /query/unit/count
  • /query/statistics -> /query/unit/statistics
  • /query/single -> /query/document

10.10.2019 (beta v0)

Breaking changes

Data warehouse API: taxon objects used to have .taxon.qname field. This has been deprecated since 5.3.2019 and has now been removed.

New features

Data warehouse list query: RANDOM added to orderBy. For example ?orderBy=unit.taxonVerbatim,RANDOM or RANDOM:123 (where 123 is a seed)

Data warehouse has a new concept: Sample. Each unit can have several samples, which are preparations/dna extractions/etc. /query/sample/list endpoint has been added, which has some new filters for samples. swagger documentation has been updated to include Data warehouse models. For example /query/list has a full example response model, so does /query/single.

5.3.2019 (beta v0)

Breaking changes

Response of /warehouse/aggregate?geoJSON=true query has been changed. It now returns valid GeoJSON: Before this change, the root contained paging parameters and a 'featureCollection' key, that contained the valid GeoJSON; GeoJSON has now been moved to the root level. The feature has also been expanded: Previously it was possible to use two aggregate fields (lat and lon); Now it is possible to use any number of aggregate fields (also non-coordinate fields). The fields must include two or four coordinate fields of the same type (lat, lon or latMin/Max, lonMin/Max). Coordinate fields will be used to generate the GeoJSON feature and rest of the aggregate values area added as properties of the geometry.

In warehouse/list, warehouse/aggregate etc endpoints 'taxon.qname' will be replaced by ''. Responses now contain both but taxon.qname is deprecated.

/Taxa endpoint TaxonMedia model has been changed. Check out the changes in api swagger description if you use our taxon images. (Scientific name etc have been moved from root level of image to SimpleTaxon object under 'taxon' key.)

New features

Aggregate queries to /warehouse/aggregate with onlyCount=false now include firstLoadDateMin/Max. They tell about the time span the records that match the filters have been loaded into FinBIF.

The /taxa endpoing has undergone a major reimplementation. It now runs on top of ElasticSearch. Data is syncronized nightly as before. We have tried to keep breaking changes to minimal at this point, but there will be some in the future. The most important new features have been created are:

  • Aggregate queries - /taxa/species endpoints can be given aggregateBy and aggregateOrderyBy parameters. These allow grouping species by any field available in the model. The response will contain both a list response and aggregate response. It is possible to define many aggregates with one query. TODO: document the syntax.
  • Ability to browse different checklist and versions of checklists - For example frozen 2018 FinBIF master checklist or frozen IUCN Red Book Evaluation 2019 checklist.
  • Habitats - Information about habitats (primary habitat and secondary habitats) have been added to taxonomic information. It is also now possible to filter /species by habitats.

There are plenty of other minor additions that mostly concerning IUCN Red List assessment data.

1.10.2018 (beta v0)

Breaking changes

Names of date type filters have been changed

  • loadedLaterThan -> loadedSameOrAfter
  • loadedBefore -> loadedSameOrBefore
  • firstLoadedLaterThan -> firstLoadedSameOrAfter
  • firstLoadedBefore -> firstLoadedSameOrBefore
  • annotatedLaterThan -> annotatedSameOrAfter
  • annotatedBefore -> annotatedSameOrBefore

Target and taxonId filters have been changes so that the previously added new features: exactTarget, originalExactTarget, exactTaxonId, originalExactTaxonId are now handled with two parameters: useIdentificationAnnotations (true/false, default true), includeSubTaxa (true/false, default true)

20.5.2018 (beta v0)

Breaking changes

Behavior of /warehouse has been changed. The old behavior can be achieved by using There are now three aggregateable fields that relate with verbatim observer names:

  • - aggregate using full team name (separate member names catenated together using ; separator)
  • - aggregate using single team member name
  • - aggregate by id of a single team member name (that can be used as a value of teamMemberId filter)

New features

/warehouse endpoint has new filters:

  • teamMember (case insensitive wildcard search) and teamMemberId to allow searching using observer names.
  • exactTarget, originalExactTarget, exactTaxonId, originalExactTaxonId - search by taxon without including subtaxa. ("original" filters use the original reported taxon linking, the others use the possibly quality-control changed linking).
  • typeOfOccurrenceId, typeOfOccurrenceIdNot - filter by taxa that belong or do not belong to a certain occurrence in Finland type (for example exclude imports or search only imports).
  • Aggregate queries: pessimisticDateRangeHandling - Value of this parameter affects how oldestRecord and newestRecord are calculated regarding observations reported as date span. False (default): oldest=min(date.begin), newest=max(date.end). True: oldest=min(date.end), newest=max(date.begin). Note that true can result in oldest > newest. Api user should use the form oldest = oldest <= newest ? oldest : newest.

23.4.2018 (beta v0)

Warehouse API changes

There are changes to the warehouse API. The following endpoints have been added:

  • /query/gathering/aggregate - Aggregate queries using gathering as base (unit filters can not be used, returns count of matching gatherings)
  • /query/document/aggregate - Aggregate queries using document as base (gathering and unit filters can not be used, returns count of matching documents)
  • /query/statistics - Same as /query/aggregate (base is unit) but results come from PRIVATE/UNSECURED data. Limited to certain safe fields and only to certain allowed collections.
  • /query/gathering/statistics - Same as above but using gathering as base.

Mostly for our internal needs (line-transect result service) there are couple additional features: /query/aggregate has a new parameter: includePairCounts that can be used to include pair count sum/max aggregate functions to the result. /query/gathering/aggregate has a new aggregate function linelengthSum (sum of length of routes of gatherings that have a line geometry).

Previously undocumented feature now parametrized: Previously when using /query/aggregate, null values were not included by default. This is now parameterized (excludeNulls parameter). Default is true (does not include nulls).

/private-query/ endpoints have been removed from the public swagger documentation. The endpoints still exist but are not shown because they added unnecessary repetition to the documentation.

New filter has been added: wgs84CenterPoint

19.3.2018 (beta v0)

Breaking changes

  • /taxa/search and /autocomplete - Taxon search result objects have a nameType field. Values of this field have been changed, for example MX.misappliedCircumscription -> MX.hasMisappliedName
  • The values of excludeNameTypes parameter have changed similarly
  • /taxa/descriptions and /taxa/media - Blacklist parameter has been removed (it was used to disallow content from certain sources). It has been replaced with externalSources parameter. The external sources available are still eol:api (Encyclopedia of Life) and natruforskaren:species ( Fetching descriptions and media from external sources is significantly slower. Because by default data from external sources is not fetched, default performance of these endpoints has been increased dramatically.

New features

  • /taxa/species and /taxa/children now have includeMedia parameter. There is also a new hasMediaFilter parameter. These can be used for example to fetch all taxa with images under a certain informalGroup or higher taxon.
  • /taxa/search and /autocomplete - new parameter excludedInformalTaxonGroup can be used to exclude matches from certain informal groups.
  • /taxa/.. - Many of these endpoints now have includeHidden parameter. When for example a species is splitted to many species, FinBIF taxonomy experts change the old species into an aggregate group and create the new splitted species as children of the splitted species. Depending on the case, the experts may not want the aggregate to remain visible while browsing the taxonomy. The aggregate may however be very useful as basis of reporting observations and when old observations are linked to the new taxonomy. We have allowed the experts to hide this kind of taxa. When a taxon is hidden, it is not showed by default in api and if it has children, those children are raised upwards in the tree to "replace" the aggregate. If you want to browse the taxonomy with the hidden groups(etc) visible, use includeHidden=true. Default is false.
  • /news - News can be now filtered by tags.

12.2.2018 (beta v0)

Breaking change

  • Property name change in checklist endpoint bibliographicCitation -> dc:bibliographicCitation
  • Property name change in publication endpoint bibliographicCitation -> dc:bibliographicCitation and URI -> dc:URI

New feature

  • We've added new endpoint (HTMLToPDF) to make pdfs from html. This will accept post request with the html in the body. Response will be the pdf itself. This endpoint is in very early stages and there might be changes in the near future.
  • We've added new feature to coordinate endpoint (/coordinates/location). You can use that to find the location information by sending GeoJSONs geometry object there. Please note that this will only return information if the given coordinates are in Finland.
  • We've added new parameter (level) to logger endpoint. This will allow you to only return status of desired level. You can also ask for multiple levels by using comma separated string as parameters value.

28.8.2017 (beta v0)

Breaking change: GET /annotation ja GET /annotation/:id poistuvat apista. Jatkossa annotaatiot saa suoraan warehouse endpointista dokumentin yhteydessä.

20.11.2017 (beta v0)

Breaking change: Validaattorit /documents endpointissa ovat kiristyneet.

Lisätty /documents/validate endpointti johon pystyy lähettämään havaintoerän tarkistettavaksi. Vastauksena on joko status koodi 200, jos kaikki on kunnossa tai 422 jos jokin kentän arvoista ei läpäissyt validaattoreita.

28.8.2017 (beta v0)

Breaking change: /query/aggregate: "orderBy" -parametri on muutettu toimimaan kuten /list -kyselyn vastaava parametri. Ennen annettiin sarakkeen numero; nyt annetaan sarakkeen nimi. Nyt mahdollista käyttää DESC -määrettä.

Breaking change: YKJ-ruutuihin liittyvien kenttien ja filtereiden nimet ovat muuttuneet ja uusia lisätty. Nämä olivat ennen ykj3, ykj4, ykj3Center, ykj4Center. Ne ovat nyt: ykj100km, ykj100kmCenter, .. 50km, 10k, .. ykj1km, ykj1kmCenter.

Breaking change: Kellonaikaan liittyvät kentät on uudelleennimetty. Tunnit olivat timeBegin/End ja ovat nyt hourBegin, hourEnd. Minuutit on lisätty ja ovat minutesBegin, minutesEnd. Lisätty gathering.displayDateTime jossa yhteenkatenoituna eventDate ja tunnit ja minuutit.

Breaking change (etl-schema tiedonsiirtoformaatti ja /list /single vastausformaatti): Muutettu käyttäjien tunnisteiden linkitystä. Havaintoeriin liitetään nyt kahdenlaisia käyttäjätunnisteita: document.editorUserIds ja gathering.observerUserIds. Ensimmäinen ovat dokumentin tallentajat/muokkaajat. Jälkimmäinen on "omat havainnot" hakua varten ne käyttäjätunnukset, jotka on kirjattu havainnoitsijoiksi. Näiden tietojen perusteella linkitetään käyttäjätunnukset käyttäjien Lajitietokeskus identiteettiin. Linkitykset löytyvät document.linkings.editors ja gathering.linkings.observers.

Lisätty filterit joilla voi hakea editorPersonToken:lla (itse tallentamani/muokkaamani havainnot) tai observerPersonToken:lla (omat havaintoni). Parametrit ovat editorPersonToken ja obseverPersonToken. Suljetun puolen /private-query/ apista voi hakea suoraan editorin/observerin person id:llä, mutta tätä ei sallita julkisessa /query apissa. Nämä parametrit ovat editorId ja observerId. Lisäksi on parametrit editorOrObserverPersonToken ja editorOrObserverPersonId jotka hakevat molemilla (OR kysely).

Breaking change: /aggregate unit.linkings.taxon.administrativeGroup -> administrativeGroups; unit.linkings.taxon.informalTaxonGroup -> informalTaxonGroups

Breaking change: /query filter "coordinatesWithin" on poistettu. Filterille "coordinates" voi nyt antaa viimeisenä arvona suhteen (luku välillä 0.0-1.0) jonka täytyy täyttyä haettavan alueen ja havainnon alueen välillä. 0.0 tai tyhjä = koordinaattien pitää mennä edes hiukan lomittain, 1.0 = havainnon alueen täytyy olla kokonaan haettavan alueen sisällä. Tällä hetkellä tukea ei ole muille luvuille kuin 0 ja 1. Tuki suhteen laskemiselle lisätään myöhemmin. Haettava alue annetaan siis nyt muodossa lat:lon:YKJ:suhde tai latmin:latmax:lonmin:lonmax:TYPE:suhde. Viimeistä parametria ei ole pakko antaa.

Dokumentteihin voi nyt tietovarastoon lähetettäessä merkitä laatumerkintöjä, esim document.quality. Katso tietovaraston kentät -sivulta täydellinen listaus.

Lisätty laatuun liittyviä filtereitä käytettäväksi /query -rajapinnoissa: reliabilityOfCollection (Array(1-5)), reliable (true/false), qualityIssues (NO_ISSUES, BOTH, ONLY_ISSUES) jossa default NO_ISSUES ja taxonReliability (Array(Enum)).

Ensimmäisen avulla voidaan hakea havaintoja kokoelmien laatuluokituksella (esim vain 3,4,5). Reliable on yhdistelmäfilteri joka palauttaa joko kaikki "luotettaviksi" tulkitut tai ei-luotettaviksi tulkitut. Jättämällä filterin tyhjäksi saa molemmat. Default on tyhjä. Luotettavuuden määritelmä on, että havainto on määritelty luotettavaksi joko kokoelman laadun tai käyttäjien tai asiantuntijoiden laatumerkintöjen (annotaatioiden) perusteella. QualityIssues -filterin avulla voidaan joko näyttää vain laatuongelmalliset, ne joissa ei ole laatuongelmia tai molemmat. Oletus on että laatuongelmallisia ei näytetä. TaxonReliability filterin avulla voi rajata havaintoja luotettavuusluokituksen avulla. Arvoja voi antaa useita, esim "luotettavat ja todennäköiset".

Lisätty uusi filter: unidentified (boolean) jolla voi rajata ainoastaan lajileen tunnistamattomat havainnot. Havainto on tunnistamaton jos sen ilmoitettu varmuus (reportedTaxonConfidence) on epävarma, taksonilinkitys ei onnistu tai linkitetty taksoni on lajia ylempi taksoni. Arvolla false haetaan käänteisen määritelmän mukaan, eli lajilleen tunnistetut.

Lisätty unit.linkings.taxon rinnalle unit.linkings.originalTaxon joka pitää sisällään alkuperäisessä havainnossa ilmoitettujen tietojen mukaisen taksonilinkityksen (joka voi poiketa varsinaista taksonilinkityksestä, mikäli havaintoon liittyy käyttäjien tai asiantuntijoiden laatumerkintöjä (annotaatioita) jotka yliajavat alkuperäisen taksonimäärityksen). Lisäksi target ja taxonId filtereiden rinnalle on lisätty originalTarget ja originalTaxonId -filterit.