
PrimatesLinnaeus, 1758

Hyväksytty nimi, MR.284

Fully reviewed by Groves (2001c), whose arrangement is followed here, with the addition of some subsequently described species. McKenna and Bell (1997) placed all living Primates in a suborder Euprimates, and reduced Strepsirrhini and Haplorrhini to infraorders; they regarded the Dermoptera as a second suborder of Primates. If Dermoptera are retained as a separate order, as in this volume, the need for Euprimates (in a classification of living taxa) disappears and Strepsirrhini and Haplorrhini revert to suborders.

  • Wilson, D and Reeder, D. (eds.) 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3rd ed. -- 2142 pp. Johns Hopkins University Press.