Stuckenia pectinata
- Overview
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- Identify
- Biology
- Taxonomy
- Occurrence
- Specimen

Growing form
Perennial aquatic plant.
50–150 cm long.
The stem is procumbent, terete, branched along its entire length and slightly flexuous.
The leaf-arrangement is spiral, and the leaves are sheathed. The sheath is typically 2 cm long or occasionally even 4 cm long, open and light-colored at the margin. The stipules are about 5–15 mm long. All leaves are submerged. The leaves are sessile. The lamina is typically 3–7 cm long, typically 0.2–2 mm or even 5 mm wide, linear, acute, bright green and typically three-veined.
The inflorescence is a pedunculate spike. The peduncle is 2–9 cm long, occasionally even 40 cm long, and thin. The spike is 1.5–4.5 cm long, typically with 3–7 unequally remote whorls. The lowest whorls are often separate. There are five flowers in a whorl. The flowers are bisexual. The perianth is four leaved and calyx-like.
Fruit and seed
The drupe is 3–5 mm long, light brown and bears a short cusp.

The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.
- Total squares
- hapsivita (Finnish)
- borstnate (Swedish)
- 2019
- 2010
- 2000
- Pertti Uotila
- Vascular plants