Lycopus europaeus
- Overview
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- Biology
- Taxonomy
- Occurrence
- Specimen

Growing form
Perennial herb.
20–80 cm high.
The stem is erect, often simple or scantily branched, quadrate, pubescent and often reddish at the base.
The leaf arrangement is opposite. The leaves are sessile or have a short petiole, exstipulate, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, pubescent, and the margin is coarsely serrate to bilobate.
The inflorescence is a racemose cluster formed by separate, dense cymes at the leaf axils i.e. verticillasters. The bracts are like the cauline leaves in morphology. The flowers are bisexual, nearly actinomorphic. The calyx is nearly actinomorphic, campanulate, connate, five-segmented and veined with 13 veins. The corolla is approximately 4mm long, white, mottled with red spots, connate, bilabiate, pubescent and tubular. The tube is long. The upper labellum is slightly convex, and cleft. The lower labellum is trilobate. The middle lobe is larger than the lateral lobes and rounded. There are two stamens and a gynoecium consisting of two connate carpels in the flower.
Fruit and seed
The fruit is a four-sectioned schizocarp. The mericarps are quadrate, slightly flat, yellowish brown and covered with oil glands.

The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.
- Total squares
- rantayrtti (Finnish)
- strandklo (Swedish)
- 2019
- 2010
- 2000
- Arto Kurtto
- Vascular plants
- Plant life forms
- Shore plants